Finally we have found a way to bring you updates and recent photos and news and have it linked to our beautiful very coded website that can’t be modified very easily right now….just tune into this blog and hopefully it will stay almost as current as our other social media playgrounds! For now, here is a bit of a biography by way of introduction and a big kombucha hug!
Sacha, Didi & Team Kombucha Couture!
Kombucha Couture is a live culture vegan leather design company based in Davis, California. Sacha Laurin, owner and founder is combining her passion for and knowledge of fermentation and dairy science, and her love and vision for slow and organic fashion. She grows sheets of cellulose-based kombucha textile from tubs of fermented green tea, the bacterial and yeast SCOBYs spinning cellulose around themselves as silkworms spin silk. The kombucha cellulose is then dried into vegan leather that still contains the probiotic, detoxifying organisms, and can imitate canvas, leather or silk, depending on the process used. Laurin combines kombucha textiles with repurposed metals and materials and other environmentally friendly textiles such as bamboo fiber. The result is a new, sustainable resource of huge potential and application. Kombucha Couture is creating biodegradable vegetal non-violent leather and probiotic textile that is unique, cutting edge and good for you from the inside out. Kombucha Couture recently showcased a 22 piece collection “Game of Kombucha” as finale designer at the acclaimed venue Espace Pierre Cardin during Paris Fashion Week on September 30, 2015. Visit Kombucha Couture on Facebook, Instagram, and #kombuchacouture or contact